(415) 828-4153tkr@toniskittyrescue.org

Bi-Continental Fostering with Cybele

The French flair for food and fashion is well known. Now French-American Cybele Dolan has introduced TKR to fostering among the jet-set. Born in the U.S., Cybele grew up in Montreal where her Dad owned a factory. With mice. Late afternoon one Friday Dad got a cat to live at the factory. Pops carried the…

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TKR Foster Bunnies!

On Friday, January 27, 40 rabbits were seized by the San Francisco ACC Animal Cops from an individual who was offering them for sale on Craigslist as pets or for meat. Thank you SF Animal Cops! Under law, selling rabbits is illegal in SF. 33 of the rescued rabbits were 6 week old babies, so…

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Cleo and her babies

Story submitted by Amey Garber. In the fall of 2016, I was told that there was a mother cat and her six (!) sick kittens in the Isolation room at Animal Care and Control. This large family needed to get out of a small cage and into a home as soon as possible. They were…

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Meet TKR Staff Member Linda Hmelo

As TKR’s chief administrator for the last 10 years, Linda Hmelo handles TKR’s foster parent communications, grantwriting, record-keeping and managing supplies. But she started with TKR in 2002 as a spur-of-the-moment foster. Linda’s first experience as a kitten foster came when she was a child. A stray pregnant mom cat showed up at her family’s…

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Starting in 2013 Toni’s Kitty Rescue began to rescue and foster several senior and sometimes fospice cats each year. This year, TRK was honored to help fospice cat Eddie find a home. Fospice cats like Eddie are very old (Eddie is 17, which is 88 in human years), and may only have a few weeks,…

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Foster Spotlight: Rocky

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” When Mahatma Ghandi uttered those profound words, he may have been anticipating the nobility of TKR, Toni’s Kitty Rescue.  It’s a cruel world out there, but we can take comfort from knowing that pockets of compassion…

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Tuco and Qui Qui

Tuco and Qui Qui, 15 and 14 year old seniors cats, came to SFACC together when their owner passed away.  Both needed extensive dental work, and Qui Qui required part of his jaw to be wired together. TKR footed the veterinary bill of $1500 to heal these two orphaned cats. Soon after their treatments, both…

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Panda Bear

Panda, who fosters lovingly called “the little kitty who wouldn’t grow”, was featured in TKR’s holiday appeal letter, and her touching story made her a little celebrity. Tina Costa Delaney adopted this little darling and it’s true love. In gratitude for Panda and TKR, Tina generously decided to give back. In 2015 she donated 10%…

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Foster Spotlight: Valerie Hatfield

I love nature, I work with both plants and animals.  I have had a gardening business for over 25 years and work part-time in a vet clinic. I live in SSF and have since 1986. I am married and have 2 grown sons. Right now I have 2 cats and 2 dogs, and with a…

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