(415) 828-4153tkr@toniskittyrescue.org

Luxurious – adopted!

Luxurious is the best greeter: she will come to you to say ‘hello’ and sit in your lap. She is a super sweetheart who enjoys human company. Look into her greenish grey eyes, and you will know what a luxury she is.

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Petunia – adopted!

Petunia is the single girl in her litter, and she is the leader of all the games! She loves to play with the bird toy and she is very acrobatic as she leaps for it.

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Sasha – adopted!

Sasha is the largest of his littermates and is a gentle soul. Sasha likes to climb in laps and play, then snuggle in and take a snooze once he gets tired.

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Fred – adopted!

Fred is a beautiful house panther. He loves his people, and he and his brother both like to play with dogs. At this age, they wrestle, climb and play until they’re sleepy and ready to snuggle on your lap.

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Isla – adopted!

Isla is such a gentle softie; she asks nicely to be picked up and can most often be found nestled in your lap. She enjoys playing with toys, but prefers to play sneak attack on her brother from a hiding spot. 

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Callan – adopted!

Callan is brave and energetic. He likes to be where the action is, preferably watching it from your lap or shoulder. His favorite thing is to sit on your chest, gaze into your eyes and boop your nose with his. He has a lot of love to give.

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