(415) 828-4153tkr@toniskittyrescue.org





Fostering is simply taking care of underage kittens in your home until they are big enough (2 lbs) and healthy enough to be adopted. Kitten food, medications and other supplies are provided to fosters by Toni’s Kitty Rescue. Once the kittens are ready for adoption, our Adoption Coordinators will screen adoption applicants and work with you to introduce your kittens to qualified adopters

A TKR foster can care for a couple kittens, a whole litter, a nice mom and kittens or a feral mom and kittens. Some fosters bottle feed 10 day old kittens, others socialize shy and scared kittens, and many  “just” provide a warm bed, regular food, and lots of love. Some choose to foster once a year, some twice a year and some have been fostering for 10 years. We have foster situations to fit almost anyone’s schedule and TKR accommodates any emergencies, vacations or work travel that may come up.

TKR appreciates any way fosters are able to help. Singles, families with kids, couples, all are welcome to consider fostering!


Potential foster parents must have a flexible schedule to accommodate trips to the vet for regular vaccinations and for medical care, often during weekday afternoons and sometimes on an emergency basis. Kittens can be lots of fun but little ones are stinky at the best of times, but when they get diarrhea (very common in kittens) they really can create a horrible, smelly mess. Everyone in your household has to agree to fostering and need to know what to expect. Fostering kittens takes time and is not for everyone. Please consider the above before applying to be a foster parent.

Love watching funny kitten videos? You might love fostering! Our fosters report that having cute kittens around makes you smile inside and out. Watching their funny kitten antics, cuddling their soft little selves, knowing that you are helping a tiny kitten…it makes you feel good!


Just complete the TKR Foster Application. After you submit your completed application, you will be contacted by a TKR representative. If it seems a good fit, you will be invited to a Foster Orientation. After the Orientation, if you and TKR feel fostering is right for you, you will be invited to Foster Training. We will then sign you up as a foster. When you receive your first set of foster kittens, TKR will also give you supplies as needed.

Please note: TKR receives bottle-feeding kittens starting in March and April. If you do not wish to foster bottle feeders (we always give first time fosters weaned kittens), you may have to wait until May or June to receive your foster kittens.