Smudgy — a blue-eyed Siamese with black paws, nose, and ears — has a keen sense of mischief, and will take any opportunity to surprise a sibling or kitten friend by leaping out at them, batting at their tail, and rolling around in vigorous tussling. She’s the more snuggly of the two siblings, and likes to snuggle up against your legs on the couch. She is often sprawled out or curled up with other kittens.
Macaroni and Smudgy are best friends and must be adopted together.
Both Smudgy and Macaroni have spent their early months with children (ages 7 and 10), and have been around lots of other kids as well: They’re used to being picked up, snuggled, and having the run of a playroom with blocks, pom-poms and pipe cleaners. They love to scamper through block towers and Magnatile builds, curl up on a giant stuffed elephant, and even lay siege to one another on different levels (and from the rooftop!) of the Playmobil castle. They’ve lived with four smaller kittens and two adult cats, and consistently make friendly and playful (and sometimes boisterous) overtures to all of them.
Our kittens are spayed or neutered, tested for FeLV/FIV, FVRCP vaccinated, dewormed, and microchipped.
All of our kittens must go to homes where they will remain inside 24/7.
Young kittens must go home in pairs, or to a home with another cat. Infrequently we will make exceptions.