On Friday, January 27, 40 rabbits were seized by the San Francisco ACC Animal Cops from an individual who was offering them for sale on Craigslist as pets or for meat. Thank you SF Animal Cops! Under law, selling rabbits is illegal in SF.
33 of the rescued rabbits were 6 week old babies, so home care for them was critical. Marcy of Save a Bunny Rescue took some of the little ones, but the majority still needed foster homes. (Watch a short video of the bunnies!)
Thinking outside the litter box, SFACC turned to Toni’s Kitty Rescue and their dedicated foster parents for help. Kitten season hadn’t yet started, so Toni and 6 other fosters were able to bunny up.
Since rabbits refuse to act like kittens, Marcy of Save a Bunny hightailed it over to ACC to give the TKR kitten fosters a tutorial. The crew learned to potty train the little bunnies (a straw filled litter box!), and socialize them to people and life (they were raised in a garage). There was a lot of sitting on the floor and letting rabbits hop over for a sniff of foster.
Toni reports that her foster bunny babies adored her adult cats. “The rabbits were very excited when the cats came around. And the cats liked them, too.”
For 4-5 weeks the TKR crew took loving care of the orphaned bunnies. Now the rabbits are available for adoption at SFACC. “They are so cute and they have the softest fur ever,” says Toni. “I can see why people love them.”